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Ancient  Treatise on
Dancing and Acting



The Natyashastra is a treatise on dance and drama attributed to the sage Bharata Muni. It is believed to have been composed in In the Fifth Century ( check ) AD Bharata established artistic principles and a system of training. These rigid rules of the language of gesture were laid out in his treatise the Natya Shastra. Sanskrit has a single word for dance and drama, the two being considered inseparable: Natya. Bharata speaks of Nritya the expressive dance that tells a story through pantomime; and Nritta, the pure dance performed for its own sake, in which the dancer surrenders to intoxicating rhythm



The Natyashastra is important as it is a treatise on the various human emotions and longings that exist in us and how they can be awakened, brought out and expressed. According to the Natyashastra creating plays and paintings, writing poetry, making sculptures, chanting, meditating, even religious discourse and listening to myths and legends and communal singing, are some of the acts and behaviors, that can help to beckon, engage and awaken the Ras. Dance, of course, is the greatest devices for the Ras to be awakened and Garba and Raas are the greatest of dances.



The Natyashastra is important as it is a treatise on the various human emotions and longings that exist in us and how they can be awakened, brought out and expressed. According to the Natyashastra creating plays and paintings, writing poetry, making sculptures, chanting, meditating, even religious discourse and listening to myths and legends and communal singing, are some of the acts and behaviors, that can help to beckon, engage and awaken the Ras. Dance, of course, is the greatest devices for the Ras to be awakened and Garba and Raas are the greatest of dances



The gestures and movements we see in Indian classical dance originate from the Natyashastra  and these take time to learn, appreciate and understand. Accomplished classical dancers, through the rigorous practice of their art and craft were, on more than a few occasions, able to awaken this essence, this sap, this Ras, the Ras”a within. To reach such accomplishment rigorous training was required and such dancing became the preserve of very few



The gestures and movements we see in Indian classical dance originate from the Natyashastra  and these take time to learn, appreciate and understand. Accomplished classical dancers, through the rigorous practice of their art and craft were, on more than a few occasions, able to awaken this essence, this sap, this Ras, the Ras”a within. To reach such accomplishment rigorous training was required and such dancing became the preserve of very few. It became the asset of those who expended considerable time, effort and dedication to become accomplished. Such accomplishment was not, and is still not within the reach of the majority of people; those onlooking and



We see an exhibition of many of the Rasas covered in the Natyashastra whenever we watch a film, or a play or indeed when interact with other humans.     The Natyashastra is a fascinating and complex work and  we hope to explore the work further in future articles and flip booksCREATE BLOG ON THE NATYASHASTRA


All our most advanced civilisation is based on dancing and it is dance that socialised man


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