


The festivals of Navratri are supposed to be celebrated four times a year, usually on the following daysSET OUT DATES

Prominence if given to the Navratri festival held in September/October which is known as Sharana Navratri.
The other three Navratri are called
Whilst these three occasions are not generally celebrated many temples and ladies gatherings will celebrate the occasions



Intense feasting on garba during the nine nights can get tiring. Every day for nine days then hardly anymore for the rest of the year   It is open to us to  celebrate the four Navratris of the four seasons, winter spring summer and fall



One of the many reasons why these dances should take place frequently  is to increase our familiarity with the dance, its melody and any message.

Otherwise there is a danger that our talent, ability and enthusiasm all  fade away

is 36 days a year ! If not nine nights every three months, then perhaps three nights every month or whatever is reasonable



Winter In many western countries the main Navratri occurs in late September, or early October. The weather is turning damp and cold.
Spring Perhaps the best time for the dances. Where ever you are , whenever there is spring, the dances should be played



SummerThe day turning to dusk slowly and then the gorgeous full moon in warm breezes and the dances start

AutumnThe chill days of early autumn in the west and along comes this bright radiance giving us the energy and power of dance to sustain us through the cold months following


all year

Starting  with the symbolism of the womb, the great mother earth and the birth of the dancers. Then a dazzling circle of graceful movement bright and shining and a wonder

Amazingly amazement is here
The aarti that follows is a enchantment of devotion and sparkling lights

Extra And to follow on then the sticks are taken up, the circle arranged , the clicking and sway begins, gently hard soft missed and at times comes along the Ramzanyu and the Fudadari


at least three nights every month

At Navratri time during the day Garba dances, though not usually Raas, take place in temples, small and large, and the participants are in the main women and mostly older ladies. The surroundings of the temple and its ambience lend a special sacred feeling to these daytime dances and these garbas have a special charm and the happening is far more devotional than the night time dances.
At night, the events are held in a variety of places depending on what is available and affordable. The night time dances will include firstly Garba dances for the first half, followed by an Aarti and then Raas dances. In India there are mega events which take place in large halls and vast grounds and are held on a commercial basis, though in some instances a part of the profits may be donated to good causes.


adjust the seasons for the clime here

These events seek to attract the top garba performers and therefore the expenses of the events are quite substantial and these are recouped through high entry prices, advertisements and sponsorship.Dancing Till Dawn Rises


When you dance, there spring a thousand flowers.


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