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The socialising and mingling nature of Garba and Raas dances are of great worth and value and their benefits cannot be overemphasised. Within a short time of your attending the event, you will start to connect with some and then assimilate and blend with many others pleasantly and easily. By the end of a Garba and Raas evening you will have connected with many others. If the event has been well organised, you will have clicked sticks and engaged with everyone who takes their place on the whirling dancing circles


There is rarely any other dance form that can lead you into making some connection or contact so quickly with most everyone present.
With other dance forms it is not usually easy to achieve this level of mixing and mingling, even in a hall full of people known to each other.


Garba and Raas dances are relatively easy to do. After just a short while, within 15 minutes or less, you will easily pick up the basic steps and get into the rhythm and the harmony. You will pick up enough in this short space of time to make sure that your dance is not awkward or embarrassing, either to yourself or to others. With other dance forms it is not usually easy to achieve this level of mixing and mingling, even in a hall full of people known to each other.


This form of dancing smoothly takes your mind off many troubles, and soon releases you from part of the toils, troubles and worries of day to day life
Dancing with sticks allow you to take out the stresses while swim and hitting
The body then becomes balanced not only mentally but also physically


The songs and tunes for Garba and Raas are each twenty to thirty minutes long not just a few short minutes as is the case with most other dance music. The length of the tune is tailored so that the dance has a mellow beginning, a sumptuous middle and a rapturous ending. It is not over in a few shakes but has time to reach a crescendo. The time taken over the tune allows the dancers to be immersed in a symphony of spinning splendour


Garba and Raas Events are popular group bonding activities, which pleasantly  nourish and and enchant. It should be obvious, even to  a non believer,  that there is  sense and sensibility in this gathering and dancing
At  Once companionship health   bliss   connections  agility  exercise  romance   relax

The pinnacle of dance, is a dance that can be engaged in by all , easily and pleasantly and have a significance, purpose and value


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