


Gujarat in India is the home of Garba and Raas. Every year Garba events are organised  in vast grounds under the open sky, beneath radiant stars, under the gaze of glowing moons. The happenings go on till late, local politics permitting, and the resolve and buzz is there to continue dancing till the dawn rises for another day. Dances are also held in small villages, courtyards and stadiums and range from small  gatherings of family and friends to events with upwards of 30000 people attending


United States

Gujarati Communities all over North America organise Navratri Garba and Raas dances on a major scale in many cities.. Many of the Universities and colleges also have Raas Garba teams who compete nationally several times a yea
r in well organised competitions. The Dandiya Raas dance in North America has become hugely popular in the last twenty years and is usually staged in state wide competitions which has led to the dance being mixed and mingled with other forms of music and western themes and settings



Navratri happens at the onset of winter and the weather is damp and cold. The people having just enjoyed the summer months are preparing to stay in during the windy autumn nights. However most, if not all, Gujarati communities take the trouble to arrange Navratri events.  The people, despite the cold weather, take the time and effort to attend, and despite the overcrowding they dance with passion and devotion



Africa,   America,   Asia,   Australia,  Europe and many places in between
Garba and Raas  happen in over 500 cities all around the world.

Wherever there are Gujaratis
There is Garba and There is Raas


garba and raas dances HAPPEN  in over 500 cities all over the world


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